@extends('../site/layouts.app') @section('page_title', __('Details')) @section('content')
{{ __('Image') }}

{{ __('Register now with few easy steps!') }}

{{ __('Seller Registration Form') }}

{{ __('Note: Please make sure to fill in the form with your actual information or else your account may become banned or suspended.') }}

{{ __('Basic Details') }}


{{ __('Shop Details') }}

your image

{{ __('Drag & drop files to upload or') }}

{{ __('Note: Use only JPG, PNG & WebP formats.') }}

{{ __('Upload a high quality image for better visibility. Make sure to use a white or transparent background for shop logo.') }}

{{ __('Account') }}

{{ __('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima rem hic ullam modi reprehenderit a, reiciendis ipsum. Enim facere laudantium, error asperiores quos nobisplaceat reprehenderit? Suscipit blanditiis recusandae expedita!') }}

@endsection @section('js') @endsection