@extends('../site/layouts.app') @section('page_title', __('Coupon')) @section('css') @endsection @section('content')

{{ preference('company_name') }}{{ __('Coupons') }}

{{ __('A revolution in the e-commerce industry since year.') }}

{{ __('The best online shopping experience.') }}

{{ __('We know you love coupons and that’s why we always come up with various offers, events and vouchers, to make your shopping experience much more exciting.') }}

{{ __('Copy the coupon codes and use it on the cart page before checkout out.') }}

{{ __('Image') }} {{ __('Image') }} {{ __('Image') }} {{ __('Image') }}

{{ preference('company_name') }} {{ __('gifts') }}

{{ __('Exclusive offers for') }}{{ __('Our customers') }}

@if (count($exclusiveCoupons) > 0)
@foreach ($exclusiveCoupons as $topThreeCoupon)

{{ round($topThreeCoupon->discount_amount) }}{{ $topThreeCoupon->discount_type == 'Percentage' ? '%' : '' }}{{ __('Off') }}

@if (optional($topThreeCoupon->vendor)->name)

{{ __('For purchase from :x', ['x' => optional($topThreeCoupon->vendor)->name]) }}


{{ __('For :x', ['x' => $topThreeCoupon->name]) }}


{{ __('Code') }} : {{ $topThreeCoupon->code }}

{{ __('Image') }}

{{ __('Copy') }}

  • {{ __(':x to :y', ['x' => formatDate($topThreeCoupon->start_date), 'y' => formatDate($topThreeCoupon->end_date)]) }}
  • @if (isset($weeklyCoupon->items) && count($topThreeCoupon->items) > 0)
  • {{ __('For these products') . ': ' . implode(', ', $topThreeCoupon->items->pluck('name')->all()) }}
  • @else
  • {{ __('For all products') }}
  • @endif @if ($topThreeCoupon->usage_limit)
  • {{ $topThreeCoupon->usage_limit > 1 ? __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x times', ['x' => $topThreeCoupon->usage_limit]) : __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x time', ['x' => $topThreeCoupon->usage_limit]) }}
  • @endif @if ($topThreeCoupon->minimum_spend)
  • {{ __('Minimum Spend :x', ['x' => formatCurrencyAmount($topThreeCoupon->minimum_spend)]) }}
  • @endif
@endif @if (count($weeklyCoupons) > 0)

{{ __('Weekly Coupons') }}

@foreach ($weeklyCoupons as $weeklyCoupon)

{{ round($weeklyCoupon->discount_amount) }}{{ $weeklyCoupon->discount_type == 'Percentage' ? '%' : '' }}{{ __('Off') }}

@if (optional($weeklyCoupon->vendor)->name)

{{ __('For purchase from :x', ['x' => optional($weeklyCoupon->vendor)->name]) }}


{{ __('For :x', ['x' => $weeklyCoupon->name]) }}


{{ __('Code') }} : {{ $weeklyCoupon->code }}

{{ __('Image') }}

{{ __('Copy') }}

  • {{ __(':x to :y', ['x' => formatDate($weeklyCoupon->start_date), 'y' => formatDate($weeklyCoupon->end_date)]) }}
  • @if (isset($weeklyCoupon->items) && count($weeklyCoupon->items) > 0)
  • {{ __('For these products') . ': ' . implode(', ', $weeklyCoupon->items->pluck('name')->all()) }}
  • @else
  • {{ __('For all products') }}
  • @endif @if ($weeklyCoupon->usage_limit)
  • {{ $weeklyCoupon->usage_limit > 1 ? __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x times', ['x' => $weeklyCoupon->usage_limit]) : __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x time', ['x' => $weeklyCoupon->usage_limit]) }}
  • @endif @if ($weeklyCoupon->minimum_spend)
  • {{ __('Minimum Spend :x', ['x' => formatCurrencyAmount($weeklyCoupon->minimum_spend)]) }}
  • @endif
@endif @if (count($allCoupons) > 0)

{{ __('All Coupons') }}

@foreach ($allCoupons as $coupon)

{{ round($coupon->discount_amount) }}{{ $coupon->discount_type == 'Percentage' ? '%' : '' }}{{ __('Off') }}

@if (optional($coupon->vendor)->name)

{{ __('For purchase from :x', ['x' => optional($coupon->vendor)->name]) }}


{{ __('For :x', ['x' => $coupon->name]) }}


{{ __('Code') . ': ' }} {{ $coupon->code }}

{{ __('Image') }} {{ __('Copy') }}
  • {{ __(':x to :y', ['x' => formatDate($coupon->start_date), 'y' => formatDate($coupon->end_date)]) }}
  • @if (isset($weeklyCoupon->items) && count($coupon->items) > 0)
  • {{ __('For these products') . ' : ' . implode(', ', $coupon->items->pluck('name')->all()) }}
  • @else
  • {{ __('For all products') }}
  • @endif @if ($coupon->usage_limit)
  • {{ $coupon->usage_limit > 1 ? __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x times', ['x' => $coupon->usage_limit]) : __('A customer can avail this offer maximum :x time', ['x' => $coupon->usage_limit]) }}
  • @endif @if ($coupon->minimum_spend)
  • {{ __('Minimum Spend :x', ['x' => formatCurrencyAmount($coupon->minimum_spend)]) }}
  • @endif
@endsection @section('js') @endsection