@extends('../site/layouts.app') @section('page_title', __('Check Out')) @section('css') @endsection @section('content')
@include('site.layouts.includes.order_steps',['stepsNumber' => 2])
{{ __(':x Information', ['x' => __('Shipping')]) }}
@php $defaultAddress = null; @endphp @if(count($addresses) > 0) {{ __('Your Addresses') }} @endif {{ Auth::check() ? __('New Address') : __('Guest Address') }}
@if(count($addresses) > 0)
@php $addressCount = 0 @endphp @foreach ($addresses as $key => $address)
is_default == 1 ? 'checked' : '' }} data-addressId = "{{ $address->id }}"/>

{{ $address->first_name }} {{ $address->last_name }}

{{ $address->email }}

{{ $address->phone }}

{{ $address->first_name }} {{ $address->last_name }}

{{ $address->email }}

{{ $address->phone }}

{{ $address->address_1 }}

{{ $address->address_2 }}

{{ $address->city }}-{{ $address->zip }}, {{ optional($address->geoLocalState)->name }}, {{ optional($address->geoLocalCountry)->name }}

@php if ($address->is_default == 1) { $defaultAddress = $address->id; } @endphp @if($addressCount == 0) @endif @php $addressCount++ @endphp @endforeach

{{ __('Select the type of your place') }} *

{{ __('Use the default address in the future.') }}
@endif @if(preference('shipping_destination') != 'force_billing_address')
{{ __('Ship to a different address?') }}
{{-- ship different address --}}

{{ __('Select the type of your place') }}

{{-- ship different address end --}}

{{ __('Order Summary') }}

{{ __('Subtotal') }}

{{ formatNumber($selectedTotal) }}
@php $shipCount = 0; $shipingIntailValue = 0; @endphp @if(is_array($shipping) && count($shipping) > 0)
{{ __('Shipping') }}
    @foreach ($shipping as $key => $ship) @php if ($shipCount == $shippingIndex) { $shipingIntailValue = $ship; } else { $shipCount == 0 ? $shipingIntailValue = $ship : ''; } @endphp
  • @php $shipCount++; @endphp @endforeach
@endif @php $couponOffer = 0 @endphp @if (isActive('Coupon') && preference('coupons') == 1) @endif @if(preference("taxes") == 1) @endif
{{ __('Total Amount') }}
@if(is_array($tax)) {{ formatNumber(($selectedTotal - $couponOffer) + $tempTax + $shipingIntailValue) }} @else {{ formatNumber(($selectedTotal - $couponOffer) + $tax + $shipingIntailValue) }} @endif

@if($errors->any()) @foreach ($errors->all() as $error) @endforeach @endif @php $gateways = (new \Modules\Gateway\Entities\GatewayModule())->payableGateways(); @endphp @if(is_array($gateways) && count($gateways) > 0)

{{ __('Accepted payment method') }}

@foreach ($gateways as $gateway)
{{ __('Image') }}
@endsection @section('js') @endsection