@extends('../site/layouts.user_panel.app') @section('page_title', __('Order Details')) @section('content')

{{ __('Order Details') }}

{{ __('Take a look at all the orders you made, their status and much more..') }}

{{ __('Id Number') }}

{{ $order->reference }}

{{ __('PDF') }} {{ __('Invoice') }}

{{ __('Status') }}

{{ $order->orderStatus->name }}


{{ __('Shipping method') }}

{{ $order->shipping_title }}


{{ __('Payment Information') }}

{{ __('status') }}:

{{$order->payment_status }} @if(optional($order->paymentMethod)->status == 'pending' && optional($order->orderStatus)->slug != 'cancelled' && !in_array(optional($order->paymentMethod)->gateway, offLinePayments())) {{ __('Pay Now') }} @endif

{{ __('Paid Amount') }}: {{ formatNumber($order->paid, optional($order->currency)->symbol) }}

{{ __('Amount to be Paid') }}: {{ formatNumber($order->total - $order->paid, optional($order->currency)->symbol) }}

@if(preference("taxes") == 1)

{{ __('Tax') }}: {{ formatNumber($order->tax_charge, optional($order->currency)->symbol) }}


{{ __('Payment Method') }}: {{ !empty($order->paymentMethod->gateway) ? paymentRenamed($order->paymentMethod->gateway) : __('Unknown') }}

@php $shippingAddress = $order->getShippingAddress(); $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress(); @endphp

{{ __('Shipping Address') }}

{{ $shippingAddress->first_name . ' ' . $shippingAddress->last_name }}

{{ $shippingAddress->address_1 }} {{ !empty($shippingAddress->address_2) ? ', ' . $shippingAddress->address_2 . ',' : '' }} {{ $shippingAddress->city }}

{{ __('Postcode') }}: {{ $shippingAddress->zip }}

{{ __('State') }}: {{ $shippingAddress->state }}

{{ __('Country') }}:{{ $shippingAddress->country }}


{{ __('Delivery Instructions') }}:

{{ $order->note }}


{{ __('Billing Address') }}

{{ $billingAddress->first_name . ' ' . $billingAddress->last_name }}

{{ $billingAddress->phone }}

{{ $billingAddress->address_1 }} {{ !empty($billingAddress->address_2) ? ', ' . $billingAddress->address_2 . ',' : '' }} {{ $billingAddress->city }}

{{ __('Postcode') }}: {{ $billingAddress->zip }}

{{ __('State') }}: {{ $billingAddress->state }}

{{ __('Country') }}:{{ $billingAddress->country }}

{{ __('Email') }}: {{ $billingAddress->email }}

{{ __('Your items') }}

@foreach ($detailGroups as $group)
@foreach ($group as $detail) @php $opName = ''; if ($detail->payloads != null) { $option = (array)json_decode($detail->payloads); $itemCount = count($option); $i = 0; foreach ($option as $key => $value) { $opName .= $key . ': ' . $value . (++$i == $itemCount ? '' : ', '); } } $productInfo = $orderAction->getProductInfo($detail); @endphp @if ($loop->first)

{{ __('Seller') }}: {{ optional($detail->vendor)->name }}

{{ __('Status') }}:{{ optional($detail->orderStatus)->name }}

{{ trimWords($detail->product_name, 25) }}

{{ !empty($opName) ? $opName : '' }}

{{ formatNumber($detail->price, optional($order->currency)->symbol) }} x {{ formatCurrencyAmount($detail->quantity) }} ( {{ formatNumber($detail->quantity * $detail->price, optional($order->currency)->symbol) }})

@if ($detail->isRefundable() && preference('order_refund')) @endif @if ($detail->isRefunded() && preference('order_refund'))
{{ __('Refunded') }}